
      ‘Ketamine Queen’ Jasveen Sangha Charged in Connection with Actor Matthew Perry’s Death

      Jasveen Sanga

      Authorities have accused Jasveen Sangha of being the primary supplier of the ketamine that led to actor Matthew Perry’s tragic death. According to the Department of Justice, Sangha exploited Perry during a period of relapse, selling him significant amounts of the dangerous substance. Her alleged actions, alongside those of several accomplices, have drawn widespread attention.

      The investigation revealed that Sangha, known as the “Ketamine Queen,” was not acting alone. Urgent care doctor Salvador Plasencia, a middleman named Erik Fleming, Perry’s live-in assistant Kenneth Iwamasa, and a second doctor, Mark Chavez, have all been implicated in this case. The group is said to have played various roles in providing Perry with drugs during his relapse.

      Sangha reportedly sold Perry around 50 vials of ketamine for approximately $11,000, according to law enforcement. The investigation uncovered that she ran an extensive distribution network, supplying various dangerous drugs. A search of her residence revealed a drug-selling operation filled with 80 vials of ketamine, thousands of methamphetamine-laced pills, cocaine, bottles of Xanax, and other illicitly obtained prescription drugs.

      Her lifestyle was reportedly funded by her lucrative drug operation. Authorities allege that Sangha was well aware of the dangers of the substances she sold, having been linked to a previous fatality. Several years ago, one of her clients, Cody McLaury, died due to drugs she had supplied. Despite being informed by McLaury’s family about the role her drugs played in his death, Sangha reportedly showed no remorse and continued her operations.

      After Perry’s death, Sangha allegedly attempted to cover her tracks by instructing Erik Fleming to delete all communications between them. This behavior, along with the extensive network of illegal activities, paints a troubling picture of her involvement in the drug trade.

      The charges against Sangha and her co-conspirators have sparked significant public interest, as authorities continue to investigate the broader network of drug suppliers linked to the case. The tragic loss of Matthew Perry has served as a stark reminder of the dangers of substance abuse and the devastating impact of those who exploit others for profit.

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