
      Long Island Tragedy: Man Kills Four Family Members Before Taking His Own Life

      SYOSSET, NY — A heart-wrenching tragedy unfolded on Long Island Sunday when 59-year-old Joseph Delucia Jr. fatally shot four family members before ending his own life. The incident, which occurred on the front lawn of the Delucia family home in Syosset, has been described by authorities as one of the most horrific scenes in their experience.

      According to Nassau County Police Department Commissioner Patrick Ryder, the shooting took place around noon. Joseph Delucia Jr. opened fire on his three siblings and his niece while they were gathered in the family home. The victims have been identified as Joanne Kearns, 69; Frank Delucia, 64; Tina Hammond, 64; and Victoria Hammond, 30. All four individuals were shot multiple times and pronounced dead at the scene.

      Following the shooting, Delucia fired 12 more shots before turning the gun on himself. He was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest on the front lawn. Police recovered the shotgun used in the attack at the scene. The motive behind the tragedy was rooted in a misunderstanding related to his mother’s will.

      Authorities revealed that Joseph Delucia’s mother had passed away on August 19. Delucia mistakenly believed that he was being excluded from her will, which led him to this devastating act. In reality, Delucia was included in the will but faced the difficult prospect of relocating from the family home where he had lived his entire life.

      The police commissioner noted that Delucia’s distress was due to the perceived loss of his home rather than an actual exclusion from the will. Neighbors reported that Delucia had made threatening comments prior to the incident, such as advising them not to call the police if they heard gunshots, although these warnings had not been reported to authorities.

      The Nassau County Police Department emphasized the crucial role of community vigilance and reporting potential threats. Commissioner Ryder suggested that if the concerns about Delucia’s mental health and threats had been communicated to the authorities, the outcome might have been different. He urged community members to speak up and report any warnings of potential violence to prevent such tragedies.

      Additionally, it was noted that Delucia had recently resigned from his volunteer firefighter position, a role he had held for many years. This resignation, following his mother’s death, might have contributed to his emotional turmoil leading up to the tragic events.

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